Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Woof Woof

hey... do you speak dog? if you do... could you please tell the dogs in Selangor, especially those in the Selayang area not to bite off Lord dumbass Khir Toyo's dick....

Did you read the papers today? one article reads MB (Khir) supports dog-catching competition. WTF????? The Selayang Municipal Council ("MPS") is to organise a dog catching competition. In a nutshell... IN ORDER TO PUT AN END TO STRAY DOGS-THE MPS IS GIVING AWAY MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO CAN CATCH THE MOST DOGS IN 6 MONTHS. THE PRIZE MONEY IS A LUCRATIVE RM15,000. WTF??????

What pisses me off is the fact that these morons - the powers that be are determined that dogs are dangerous. They feel that stray dogs are threats to humankind especially kids. As such, they feel it is their duty to put an END to it. In fact, Khir said in an interview that "Dog-catching must be done as the strays could attack children or even adults. The animals could also spread diseases as the strays rummage through garbage and contract skin diseases". my question to lord dumbass Khir.. what about cats? err... dont they bring diseases too? oh wait.. what about rats? err.... what about moronic politicians? - they bring diseases too...

Lets asked the opinion of professional dog handler and groomer, Noraini Rozaiti Mahamud, 35. According to the PROFESSIONAL - "dogs reacted aggressively only when they were threatened and dogs were not likely to attack unprovoked."

This is really sad. Now with the thought of winning RM15,000, many MORONS with NO KNOWLEDGE OF DOG CATCHING (let alone dog handling), will hit the streets of KL (Selayang at least) armed with parangs and what nots to catch these innocent animals. Sigh.... The MPS has stated that these dogs are to be handled by the SPCA. However, SPCA is totally against the idea. Think about it... people are gonna resort to all kind of animal cruelty to win the money. POOR DOGS... what did they do to piss MPS off?
Can't the MPS think of other ways to reduce the number of stray dogs? can't they use the intended prize money to train people on how to catch dogs and catch dogs? Can't they use their POWERS and enforce em unto irresponsible dog owners? they are so many other FUCKING ALTERNATIVES.... don't they use their brains? oh wait... i forgot.. they don't have brains.. hence why they work at the MPS and take 15 tea breaks a day!!!!!


anfield devotee said...

Too rite. This is gonna lead to a lot of kidnappings. Am worried fer our dogs as well. What's to stop some real hard-up guy from climbing the gate & bundling em away. They are small & worse, friendly dogs.
Khir Toyo - the bane of humanity with his incredibly stupid ideas. Probably means he will be in the cabinet soon.

Anonymous said...

ggggrrrrrrr..why they wana do that?? rewards for killing most dogs..what's wrong with their mind?

SLACKER said...

anfield devotee : you're right... its easier to kidnap domesticated dogs instead of going for strays...

Kampungboycitygal : thankfully the competition is not for killing dogs as yet... but with Lord dumbass Khir toyo... you'll never know!

we need to PUT AN END TO THIS!

Anonymous said...

Use the RM15k to patch up those potholes on the roads la! I think those cause more harm than homeless dogs.

jolcy said...

why cant they get the professional bodies to do this.. it will be so much cheaper... I think they only charge RM50 to catch one dog. and they can do it without harming the dogs.. stupid ppl...dunno where they left their brains..